English Homework 1


To date, scientists have found more than 370 exoplanets yet none of them have been found the intelligent creatures like us. Still, scientists eager to search the planet resembling Earth, which orbits within the habitable zones and which the evidences of life living on. They detect exoplanets by using the spectroscopic Doppler technique, which starlight is observed its gravitational pull when the planet orbits its parent star. Another way is to measure its slight changes of the brightness, called transits, due to the parent star’s mini-eclipse when the planet circles in front of the star. The United States’ Kepler satellite and the previous French COROT’s are both to search the earthlike planets from other solar systems, especially, one job of the Kepler’s is to capture the phenomena of transit many times to confirm the existence of the planet, and Kepler staff combines its results with Doppler observations to infer the new-found exoplanet’s diameters and masses. In addition, scientists also study its dim spectrum in order to examine the biosignatures from its atmosphere or the red reflection caused by photosynthetic plants, called “red edge”. Although scientists find the “super Earth” Gliese 581 d, there are not found any signs of life on other planets. Scientists believe that the extraterrestrial life may be another form different from the terrestrial life. They promise the day when they can find another Earth and interrogate it for signs of life.
